Sunday, October 28, 2007

What Is It Like To Be Drunk?

I have never analyzed what it feels like to be drunk before.

So, here it goes.

I have had 2 ciders, followed by 2 glasses of Apfel Korn (I think I had 2).

I am typing slowly. I am rocking back and forth, or side to side, as the mood takes me. I guess, in general, my head is swimming. It only took the two ciders to reach that point.

I can't walk a straight line... I touch anything solid I see as I walk past it to ensure my stability (physical, not mental).

My tongue is numb. My chin and cheeks also. Other parts of my body seem to have the same sensitivity to touch as normal (arms, hands, legs, feet). It takes a moment for my eyes to focus on the screen if I look away for a moment.

I make more typos.

I am more indecisive. I have backspaced over sentences, only to type the exact same thing again.

I have my wits about me enough to know I absolutely cannot drive... and I believe that if I have one more drink, I will be puking soon afterwards.

My nose is also numb.

Strange, the order that I notice these things.

My priorites seem to be different. I am planning to go to bed soon, without brushing my teeth.

Right now, I am thinking about having a glass of water... I remember Grandma telling me once that she never got hangovers... because she always drank a glass of water before bed. A cousin also told me once that if he woke up with a headache, he would drink a full glass of water, and go back to bed for a half hour to prevent a hang over.

My tummy isn't entirely pleased with me at the moment. I don't know if a glass of water will settle it, or make me puke. I guess if I puke, it is something I need to do.

I usually trust that my body knows what is best for me. I fulfill it's cravings, and honour it's aversions.

A glass of water is an aversion at the moment.

I think I will have one anyway.

Or, at least I will brush my teeth and drink as much water as I can tolerate. The mint in the toothpaste makes me thirsty. Maybe that will help.

If it doesn't, I guess I will be taking some tylenol in the morning.



Blogger Tempeste said...

Wow. I forgot I posted this.

I did have a glass of water. And a half dozen saltines. I went to bed without brushing my teeth. And I woke up with the worst headache I remember ever having.

I didn't fall down. I didn't puke. And I was asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

1:03 p.m., October 29, 2007  

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