Saturday, September 01, 2007

These Rats Are Driving Me Crazy!

After the incident with the Rat in the cutlery drawer, I went shopping and purchased everything on the list I posted... except the mint. I forgot the mint.

I spent the better part of the day on Friday trying to Rat-proof my kitchen. I stuffed all the holes with steel wool. I cut plywood and made partitions to keep the rats out of the cupboards. I set up my Ratzapper with fresh bait and turned it on.

By the time I went to bed Friday night, I was satisfied that the Rats could not get into my kitchen.

Saturday morning, I got up and checked on the Ratzapper. The red light on top was flashing... I caught a Rat! I switched the power off, then picked it up. It was empty! The Rat went inside, ate the bait, and left! He was supposed to be electrocuted.

I was not happy.

I made myself a cup of tea. I opened the cupboard door and got myself some sugar. As I was sipping my tea, I saw it... Rat Poop in the cupboard. I was sure they could not get into that cupboard. I went looking for a way they could have gotten into that cupboard... they chewed a new hole in the ceiling!

That was it! I had had enough! I went to the local nursery and bought Rat Poison. I have been trying to avoid poison... I don't want any poisoning accidents. Alot of animals live in my neighbourhood... and in my home.

I cleaned the cupboard above the hot water heater (in the bathroom). They are getting into the house there, so I knew they would be back. I put a package of Rat Poison there, then washed my hands thoroughly.

Within an hour, I could hear Rats eating in that cupboard. I resisted my curiosity impulse, and did not open the door. Instead, I just smiled.

Today, the cat has made regular trips into the cupboard under the kitchen sink. He hasn't brought anything out though.

I will probably peek into the bathroom cupboard before going to bed, just to see how much of the Poison the Rats have eaten. If they finished off that batch, I will set out a fresh package for them. The box has 8 packages in it.

I don't want them to run out.

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